Bluetop Solar Parking Aps




This supplier is exhibiting at Power2Drive Europe.

Product Groups
  • Solar parking canopies (e.g. carports, bikeports)
Contact Information
+45 70 208100
Bluetop Solar Parking Aps
Bautavej 1A
8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
Further Content
Christoph Stürmer, Automotive Expert
Automotive Industry in Transition: Retrofit as the Savior of Electrification?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 194 | Language: German

Oktober 10, 2024

We speak with Christoph Stürmer about retrofitting in the automotive industry

Hanna Full, Senior Consultant Energy & E-Mobility from GP Joule
How Can Fleet Electrification Be Economically and Sustainably Successful?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 193 | Language: German

Oktober 3, 2024

We speak with Hanna Full about successful fleet electrification

Fraunhofer ISE Develops Solar Cell Film for Electric Vehicles

September 01, 2023

Cars with solar roofs already exist. Now, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) is attaching a solar-active surface to a car hood. Now the researchers hope it will be ready for mass production.

Four Conferences – One Ticket

You won’t find more expertise in one place anywhere else.

E-Mobility Slam: Finalists of The smarter E AWARD (partly in English or German)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:35 pm

Messe München Hall C6, Booth C6.450

Watch the inspiring presentations of The smarter E AWARD finalists as they showcase their visionary solutions in the field of renewable energy and electric mobility in ten short minutes each. Each finalist presents their ideas and concepts for issues ranging from sustainable power generation to efficient charging infrastructures for electric vehicles. This session is perfect for investors, industry experts, technology enthusiasts and those interested in the latest trends and innovations in the area of renewable energies and electromobility.

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