Keysight Technologies




This supplier is exhibiting at Power2Drive Europe.

Product Groups
  • AC charging systems
  • High power charger, megawatt charging systems
  • Vehicle-to-X, bi-directional charging
  • Charging/Load management and monitoring
  • Testing and safety
Contact Information
+49 234 417578018
Keysight Technologies
Herrenberger Str. 130
71034 Boeblingen / Baden Wuerttemberger (BW), Germany

Individual company presentation

Accelerate Innovations from Grid to EV

Keysight enables innovators to push the boundaries of engineering by quickly solving design, emulation, and test challenges to create the best charging and grid experiences. Whether you’re looking to ensure conformance, interoperability, or interconnection with evolving industry standards, Keysight accelerates innovation with intelligent insights that reduce risk and speed time-to-market.

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Floorplan Booth


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