Emission-Free Navigation Solution for Barges

Industry News –Monday, June 08, 2020

The new joint venture Zero Emission Services B.V. (ZES), built by ING, Engie, Wärtsilä and the Port of Rotterdam, wants to increase the sustainability of shipping with the help of exchangeable battery containers. 20 charge points are planned.

While the first ship fitted with the so-called ZES-Packs will take on new tours this year, another five vessels will join throughout 2021. By 2030 ZES plans on powering about 150 inland vessels with the leased battery containers. The ZES-Packs do not emit particulates or nitrogen into the atmosphere and reduce carbon emissions by 1,000 tonnes per year, if they replace the commonly used diesel fuel. Empty battery packs will be exchanged for full ones at the planned charging points, minimalizing waiting times for the ships. Additionally, the energy containers can be used to stabilize the electricity grid in times of high local demand.

ZES will not only offer the battery containers themselves, charged with renewable power, but also the network of charging stations and technical support. The joint venture is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. The Dutch HEINEKEN brewery will be the first customer; the companies have reached a ten-year agreement for emission-free beer transports.

While the systemic change will cost about €20 million for the first phase, an innovative “pay-per-use”-based financing model was developed by the partners to make the transition more attractive and easier for interested skippers.

Willem Dedden, CEO of Zero Emission Services: “With ZES, we are introducing a systemic change in inland navigation, allowing barges to sail emission-free thanks to replaceable battery containers. The system is future-proof because it is independent of the energy carrier.”

Source & Image: Zero Emissions Services | www.zeroemissionservices.nl

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