When setting up your own charging park, there are a number of points that need to be considered, from planning to implementation. The most important questions are answered by Stefan Vorbeck, Managing Director of Auto-Vorbeck GmbH and spokesman for e-mobility for the Schleswig-Holstein Regional Association of Motor Vehicles.
What issues need special attention from planning to opening?
First of all, you should carefully analyze your needs and possibilities that the property or land offers. To do this, you need to ask yourself questions and work through them one by one: What do you want to achieve? How and with which commercial units will the property be managed? How many charging columns are possible? What development do you see for the property in five years? This is the basis for dealing with it in the first place, after which the actual research begins. The answers vary greatly depending on the region and location. The answers also depend on what your own business model entails. There is no blueprint for this; every property owner must do this 'homework' individually themselves.
What do you need to consider when setting up your own charging park?
To ask precisely these research questions and answer them honestly. They are the basis for all further decisions, e.g. which charging infrastructure is suitable and which solutions are available. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of the various systems must be examined. An important point is the question of independent expert advice. The focus is on independence, so as not to have a preconceived picture.
What are the difficulties? What are the biggest hurdles/obstacles that occur?
Getting the relevant information and not losing patience. I can only encourage everyone to get involved with it. You learn a lot and that, too, is a huge gain in the end, regardless of whether and how you decide on charging infrastructure or not. We will not stop this type of drive, electric mobility will determine our everyday lives. Whether I think this is good or bad as an independent vehicle service provider is of no interest to anyone. It's primarily a matter of joining in and understanding or standing back and watching the train whiz by.
Keyword funding: How does the funding application process work?
This is a challenge difficult to master without outside help. But to find this independent partner is difficult, but quite possible.
Is it better to operate the charging stations yourself or through a charge point operator (CPO)?
Exactly these central questions must be asked at the beginning of the research, as I mentioned at the beginning. At the beginning of the process is the individual needs analysis of the property and thus the monetary questions arise especially, that is, the billing question.
Which features (charging comfort) are indispensable for the charging target groups?
The top priority is fast charging time. Time is money. The more vehicles that can be charged during peak times, the more money there is to be made. But of course the fast chargers also cost correspondingly more money. In addition, the system must be compatible for all vehicle types. It's not a business to make a quick buck. You should take your time when thinking about it, do it honestly and then invest for a longer period of time. Because that's what it's all about in the end: moving your real estate location forward. It makes sense and is super exciting.